The walker Lukáš Gdula played with the running competition and won surprisingly confidently in the cross-country running race organized by the walker Petr Adam.


MG 1645Two wheels by the wall is already a traditional cross-country race organized by Ing. Petr Adam, this year for the nineteenth time! Jogging enthusiasts can test their strength in the nice surroundings of the Hvězda field. The race route runs, as the name suggests, along the perimeter walls of the course and in the main category men's is 7,8 km long. Route for women is abbreviated to 4 km. Women can run the men's course (2 laps, regardless of category). It will also be possible this year men run 1 lap (4km) (regardless of categories).

This year, the traditional very difficult profile of the race course - steep runs and descents, roots, potholes, pits - was joined by heat (33°C) and suffocating heat, so most of the fighters had to reach for their morale and some to the bottom.

Judging by the names, one would think they were at the start of a walking race: Gdula, Drahotová, Adam, Jeníková, Smola jun., Borovičková, Němec, Vlachynská, Hejkrlík.

This year's surprising but completely sovereign winner was pedestrian Lukáš Gdula (27:45.7) , when he "ripped the shirt" of the entire running competition, and not just any, e.g. an excellent marathon runner Petr Pechek finished only in 3rd place (28:18.2) and Lukáš thus granted him more than half a minute! Or Perňa system andfemale in 4th place (David Štros 28:52.3), more than a minute behind Lukáš. Famous pedestrian performance! I remember the words of my chief in the Red Star Prague: "a better running pedestrian than a walking runner" (meaning, of course, in an exaggeration, because the pedestrian style in pedestrian races is monitored by strict judges). This year, however, Lukáš breathed a completely different dimension into these words: "running walker beat all running runners". Or maybe Lukáš is already preparing for a running career and has finally said goodbye to walking - of course we don't know - but it wouldn't be surprising, given what is currently happening in the Czech walking rep...

PITCH WALK Prague had two representatives in the race for 1 lap (4 km): Lenka Borovičková 21:10.14 took 3rd place in category Z50 (20th overall), when she lost a fight with another pedestrian by 10 seconds Karolína Jeníková 21:00.3, who finished with a gigantic finish to win the category Z55 (total 18.m)!!! In the men's 1-lap race Daniel Smola (non-runner / non-walker) took 6th place in a personal record for 1 lap at the wall 18:53.9, when he finished behind the first five runners - athletes from Atletika Lovosice.

We sincerely thank Peter Adam for a beautiful race, exemplary organization, well-being and joy of movement in the wonderful Prague nature reserve Hvězda. And we wish him a lot of enthusiasm, joy, vitality and strength in the jubilee 20th anniversary of the race!!! Thanks Petra!!!!